Monday, July 28, 2008

The Friendly Skies

I took my first (and second) plane trip ever the weekend before last. I got to experience the joys of changing gates, being delayed, sitting on the runway for a while, and flying through some roller-coaster turbulence. As you can see, I was traumatized by the experience.
From My First Plan...

As part of my master plan, I didn't cry at all, and in fact pretended to sleep almost the entire time during both trips. This way, my parents will be tricked into taking me on a plane again when I'm old enough to exact my carefully-plotted revenge on those pilots and the Chicago weather system in general.

Yes, baldy, I see you back there. You can't hide forever...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice, get her on the FAA watchlist before she's 1....good work!